Service Coordination

Service and Support Administrators, or SSAs, perform many functions, including coordinating assessments, developing a service plan, coordinating funding, coordinating service providers, and ongoing monitoring.  SSAs work in cooperation with individuals’ teams to develop Individual Service Plans, or ISPs, that identify the individual’s strengths and areas of needed support.

The Following Services are provided to all eligible individuals, by Service and Support Administrators. These services are sited in both The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Rules. Both rules help to ensure the Health and Safety as well as to improve the quality of life of our Individuals.

Linking Individuals and Families to Services

We can assist you with the following, through a variety of funding sources:

  • Adult Day Program Options
  • Vocational Opportunities
  • Family Support Services
  • Transportation assistance
  • Residential Services through Medicaid Waivers
  • Medicaid Applications
  • Social Security Applications
  • Medicare Applications
  • Referrals to other area agencies, such as: Mental Health Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Psychologist, Psychiatrist and Neurologist, and Attorneys for Guardianship Applications

What is an Individual Service Plan

The OhioISP is a person-centered written plan of outcomes, services, and supports. An assessment is completed to develop the OhioISP that will take into consideration what is important to the individual to achieve outcomes & desires, what is important for the individual to stay healthy & safe, known & likely risks and skills & abilities. These areas of support that are assessed in the OhioISP include:

  • Communication
  • Social and Sprituality
  • Healthy Living
  • Advocacy & Engagement
  • Daily Life and Employment
  • Safety and Security
  • Community Living

Developing the Individualized Service Plan

An ISP is the written description of services, supports, and activities to be provided to an individual.  SSAs use person-centered planning to ensure that the individual service plan reflects results of assessment and includes services and supports that:

  • Ensure health and welfare
  • Assist the individual to engage in meaningful and productive activities
  • Support community connections and networking with persons or groups including persons with disabilities and others
  • Assist the individual to improve self-advocacy skills and increase the individual's opportunities to participate in advocacy activities, to the extent desired by the individual
  • Ensure achievement of outcomes that are important to the individual and outcomes that are important for the individual and address the balance of and any conflicts between what is important to the individual and what is important for the individual
  • Address identified risks and include supports to prevent or minimize risks
  • Integrates all sources of services and supports, including natural supports and alternative services, available to meet the individual's needs and desired outcomes

What is Medicaid?

Many services are funded through Medicaid Waivers. A waiver helps pay for services to keep you in your home, or a home in the community, so you do not have to move to a long-term care facility or nursing home. When Medicaid Waiver funding is available, WCBDD pays for approximately 40% of the cost of service and the other 60% is paid for by federal Medicaid funds. Some of the services paid for by a waiver include: personal care, respite, transportation, social work, nutrition, adult day services, accessibility adaptations, supported employment and medical equipment.

Because eligibility for WCBDD services and/or Medicaid are determined differently, you will not necessarily receive a waiver. Waivers are provided based on priorities set by the State of Ohio, the availability of funds and a formal assessment of needs. DODD has an extensive breakdown of waiver services found at the link below:

Waivers can be confusing and we want to help in any way that we can. Should you have questions or want more information please call our SSA department at 330-264-4086 or email

Continuous Review

The SSA is the primary point of coordination of the individual. The SSA is responsible for monitoring and implementing a continuous review process tailored to the individual’s needs to ensure that the individual's desires and outcomes are being implemented as written in the OhioISP. This will be done by visiting the home, work site, day program site, and written correspondence.

Due Process

The SSA will review and explain the ODJFS Medicaid Due Process and the County Board Due Process at each annual meeting. We provide and assist with this process, should the individual and/or guardian request our help.

Due Process Revised - Appendix A

Freedom of Choice

Your SSA will follow procedures developed from OAC 5123:2-9-11, the Free Choice of Provider rule. Individuals on Options Waivers, Level 1 Waivers and SELF Waivers have the right to choose from any qualified provider, anywhere in Ohio, who is willing to serve you. A list of certified providers is available through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities website. SSAs assist individuals with this process.

Visit the Ohio Department of Disabilities website