N.E.X.T. Step


Themission of the N.E.X.T. Step program is to provide students with opportunitiesfor career exploration in their communities while learning functional skills tohelp them reach their maximum independence.


The N.E.X.T.step program will provide students an opportunity to discover their own uniquepathway and their next steps in their post-secondary phase. The N.E.X.T.program will assist students with bridging the gap between student andadulthood.  Students will learn jobskills and vocational trades with classroom syllabus focused on community andappropriate options for the next chapter in their life. Students will have theopportunity to explore what is most appropriate and fitting for the next phasein life. The N.E.X.T step program will guide, discuss, teach and prepare studentsfor their future, which may include direct training towards a Wayne CountyCareer Center program, employment, day programs, vocations, etc.  

Program Description

Students will spend half the day on-site job training and half of the school day learning curriculum and training at Ida Sue. Students will return in the afternoon for lunch and classroom. Classroom teachers will help students assess their needs and strengths as they explore together what comes next.

  • Pre-employment Transition Services
  • Workplace Readiness - Gathering information about student’s vocational preferences, Interests, needs, and strengths.   
  • Work-Based Learning: Getting out in to the community to try different jobs. 
  • Self-Advocacy:  Speaking up for yourself, expressing likes and dislikes, expressing preferences, interests, and needs.    
  • Job Exploration: Learning about different jobs in our community; Completing a Job exploration project.

Students will spend half the day on-site job training and half of the school day learning curriculum and training at Ida Sue. Students will return in the afternoon for lunch and classroom. Classroom teachers will help students assess their needs and strengths as they explore together what comes next.

Program Structure and Requirements

The N.E.X.T Step program is designed to be a resource for students and families to prepare for job readiness and hone their skills for their next steps in life. The primary focus is to provide a setting for students to attain independence through work, with the ultimate goal of employment.

Students – students will go out to work 4 days per week. The following will be considered but not limited to:

  • Students can work independently.
  • Exhibits appropriate behaviors for the workplace.
  • Displays independence in self-care.
  • Comprehends and follows safety measures at workplace.
  • Follow two-step instructions (minimum).

Referral & Assessment

School districts must submit a referral to the program and include a copy of the students IEP & ETR as well as their credit tracking sheet and/or transcript.

*Students accepted into the N.E.X.T Step program must apply for DD services (eligibility).

Additionally, a precursor or recommendation for referral to N.E.X.T. Step is to participate in the DD’s summer program to have job exposure and shadowing opportunities out in the community.

The assessment team will consider the following criteria for placement in the N.E.X.T Step program:

  • Academic needs: students must not need more than2 credits to graduate.
  • Student must possess potential for employability.
  • Any required support is needed to engage in community and job tasks.
  • Personal hygiene and support needed.
  • 1-on-1 support needed or as written in IEP.
  • Above mentioned criteria

The assessment team will review and assess all information,including the appropriate tier placement according to the criteria listedabove.

Additional considerations for the program will be logistics,transportation, and staffing needs.

Currently, the school district is responsible for getting studentsto Ida Sue. However, the Wayne County Board of DD & Ida Sue School isactively exploring options for a central location to alleviate transportationconcerns moving forward.

School districts and parents will then be notified of acceptance status and schedule an IEP meeting if approved.