Request for Providers

Money Management - Level 1 Waiver


In search of Money Management Agencies to support 38 year old male with Mild Intellectual Disability in need of Money Management Service and supports per a court order. He resides with his mother who is also his guardian in Rittman. Individual receives SSI and attends Adult Day Services and receives Vocational Habilitation Services 5 days per week. He would like to save up money to get a new phone and have extra money to participate in outings and going out to eat with family and friends.  He will need assistance with keeping track of monies for Social Security and maintaining benefits through Medicaid and potential Food Benefits.

If interested please contact Melanie Kurtz at RFP#577MK

HPC/ICF - I/O Waiver


A 24-year-old female from Toledo is seeking a new place to call home. She has limited verbal communication skills but can express her thoughts, wants, and needs through some sign language and gestures. She has severe behavioral challenges, including PICA (the compulsive eating of non-food items), a risk of elopement, and attention-seeking behaviors, which require constant supervision. However, she effectively uses positive coping techniques to manage stress and frustration. She thrives in a structured routine and is a joy to be around. With her curiosity, strong memorization skills, loving nature, and good sense of humor, she is a true "social butterfly."

If interested please contact Kara Smith at RFP#576KS

Environmental Modifications - I/O Waiver


Individual in need of the following items:

1. Wheelchair ramp: Aluminum, no steps, no angles, a platform with handrails.

2. Toilet: Big and tall or extra tall.

If interested please contact Kara Smith at RFP#575KS

Remote Supports/Assistive Technology - Level 1 Waiver


Remote supports are needed for an 20 year old living in his own apartment in Orrville, Ohio.  Supports  include daily check ins, as well as response to emergency situations (break-ins, contact to back-up provider, etc,).

If interested please contact Morgan Butler at RFP#574MB

Shared Living - IO Waiver with the BRAO


13 year old male with Cerebral Palsy with intense behavioral needs in need of residential placement in an ICF or congregate setting equipped to meet his needs.  Individual is in the custody of Children Services.  He is non-ambulatory but is able to bear some weight.  He is able to communicate his wants and needs, feeds himself independently and is able to care for most of his hygiene needs.  Individual has a fun sense of humor and likes to kid around with his staff.  His interests include watching YouTube videos, playing video games and going out to eat.  He struggles with emotional regulation and has a history of manipulating and making false allegations against staff.  He also has a history of verbal outbursts and physical aggression.  Positive behavior supports to redirect these behaviors include verbal redirection, giving individual space and the use of positive reinforcement.  Also, showing individual the correct way to handle stressful situations have been successful.

Individual has an IO Waiver with the BRAO.  

If interested please reach out to Melanie Kurtz at RFP#573MK

HPC Services HPC Transportation - I/O Waiver


43 year old with Mild ID that lives on his own in Smithville, in need of approximately 10 hours per week of HPC and HPC transportation.  Individual is verbal and ambulates independently.  There are no known behavioral issues.  Individual would need help with cooking, deep cleaning and occasional transportation to activities in the community or to do shopping.  Individual  likes to go to the park and playing his guitar.

If interested please contact Melanie Kurtz, SSA at RFP# 572MK

Shared living/ group home - I/O Waiver


20 year old male resident of Shreve (Triway Local Schools area) searching for a Shared living provider/ group home. Individual is diagnosed with ADHD, mild intellectual disability, PTSD, anxiety, depression.  He has an independent provider for HPC and has an I/O waiver. He would like to find someone with similar interests (video games, working out, cooking) to live with and gain independence.

If interested please contact Morgan Butler at RFP#571MB

HPC Services - Self Waiver


10 hours of Participant Directed HPC per week being requested.

20 year old male with Down Syndrome in need of drop in Homemaker Personal Care Services to include:

teaching daily living skills such as meal preparation and personal care. He would like to participate in recreational outings to build on his social skills through interaction with others in the community. He would also like to learn about money management skills while learning how to make purchases independently. He is currently in school so hours would be on the weekends or in the evenings on school days. Hours would range from 5-10 hours per week.

He is fun loving person that loves music, playing on his IPAD, participating in Special Olympics . He is predominately non-verbal and uses a communication device, gestures and signs to communicate his needs.

If are interested in interviewing with this family to support this wonderful individual please contact Melanie Kurtz at RFP#570MK

HPC Services - I/O Waiver


The parents of a 56 year old female with an I/O waiver for Mild ID & diabetes are looking for a female HPC provider for approximately 8 hours per week to start; more hours are available once established. The family lives in Doylestown and services can take place locally around Wayne County. This individual has a great sense of humor and loves chatting, and is passionate about all kinds of arts & crafts. The family thinks she might enjoy taking a class at the Wayne Center for Arts, and would be happy to go shopping, out to eat, to a G-rated movie, or for a walk in the community. She does not require any assistance to get around or with personal hygiene/toileting.

If you 're interested in working with this individual, please contact Corey Marmet at RFP#569CM

Immediate Housing Need, HPC, ADS/VH, Transportation


A 22-year-old gentleman with an I/O waiver is seeking an immediate move to a private residence, group home, apartment, or shared living arrangement that can provide 24/7 staffing. He lived with his grandmother up until last Fall when she passed. He spent some time living with his father and is currently residing with his sister here in Wooster.

He has a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability, No physical disabilities. He needs 24/7 supervision, money management, ADS/VH services to gain skills towards employment, behavioral/mental health supports, HPC and HPC/NMT transportation. He needs physical prompts and consistent daily verbal prompts/reminders to complete tasks like laundry, cooking or hygiene. His sister believes once he has consistent help in most areas of daily living he will retain a lot of skills. He smokes cigarettes. Having access to cigarettes seems to be the primary trigger for any sort of behavioral challenges which is primarily verbal.

He really enjoys the outdoors, he enjoys going for walks and he especially loves fishing and sitting around the fire. He also enjoys going to the races, watching football games in person, playing video games, having access to his cellphone and going out to eat. He would like having a housemate with similar interests go with him on some of his outings. He has a lot of energy and would like someone who can keep up.

Spending time with his family and friends is important to him and for him and his sister is a great natural support and advocate for him. He will also have times he will spend a day or weekend with them.

He is interested in making money and needs help exploring what his interests and abilities are. His sister is planning to act as his payee at this time. He will need supports handling money while in the community. He does not need a modified vehicle.

If interested please contact Courtney McConahay at RFP#568CMc

Remote Supports/Assistive Technology - I/O Waiver


Remote supports are needed for an 18 year old living in her own apartment in Wooster, Ohio. Supports may include daily check ins, as well as response to emergency situations (break-ins, self-harming behaviors, contact to back-up provider, etc,).

If interested please contact Joan Huba at RFP#567JH

HPC Services - I/O Waiver


An Agency HPC provider with nursing services is needed for an 18 year old who has remote supports in her home. This person needs on-going assistance with preparing medications in a medication dispenser. She may need drop-in HPC services to respond to emergencies or as a back-up HPC provider for remote supports.

If interested please contact Joan Huba at RFP#566JH

HPC Services - Level 1 Waiver


An 11 year old young lady who loves laughing, music, animals, and learning, is in need of an HPC provider for around 25 hours a week. The individual has Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, G-Tube, oral aversion, hydrocephalus, global development delay, preemie, chronic constipation, disturbance in sleep behavior, dysphasia, congenital esotropia, Pica, gallbladder shunt, urinary incontinence and overflow. The schedule would not be officially known until HPC is secured so mom can find employment.  However, approximate service hours would be Monday-Friday 5am-6:45am and 2:15pm-8pm, possibly Saturday mornings.  An alternate resource will be found to cover hours over 25.  The details would be worked out with the family. The provider would need to be Med Certified and be able to complete g-tube procedures (feeding, cleaning, passing meds), monitor for seizures, and follow protocol in case of seizure.  Provider would need to fully assist individual with all self-care needs including toileting, bathing, hair/teeth care, getting ready for school and on/off the bus.  Provider would need to make sure that individual has everything needs for school when getting on the bus.  Individual is a fall risk and wears leg braces and has an unsteady gait so she needs help when walking on uneven surfaces and stairs. She has a wheelchair to use if she is going somewhere that involves a lot of walking but she would rather sit/lay in her wagon. Individual would like someone who can share in her interests with her.

If interested please contact Samira Griffith at RFP#565SG

HPC Services - Level 1 Waiver


29 year old female looking for HPC Services 1x per month for outings. The individual is very outgoing, friendly and kind. Female staff preferred.

Please contact Samira Griffith at RFP#564SG

HPC Services - I/O Waiver


A 36-year-old man is interested in moving to Stark County. He is looking for a congregate living setting in a larger community that provides more opportunities. Joey has a strong desire to earn money and is very artistic; he loves to draw and excels at creating images of semi-trucks, vans, and shuttle buses. Joey requires support with household tasks, personal care, and clothing purchases. He does not have any mobility issues and can easily navigate all surfaces. In the past, he faced challenges with animals, sharp objects, and children. However, he recently underwent a risk assessment that has helped him gain additional independence with the support of cameras.We would like to set up an interview to help Joey find a suitable and healthy living environment.

Please contact Kara Smith at RFP#563KS

HPC Services-Level 1 Waiver


38 year old female resident of Wooster, Ohio (Triway Local Schools area) searching for an HPC provider to provide up to 5 hours per week.  Individual is diagnosed with Down's Syndrome and Moderate ID.  She attends an ADS program Monday through Friday and has a Level 1 waiver .  She would like someone to take her out into the community for activities, social events, to a park. on a short walk, or stay home with her and assist with some cleaning tasks or play games.  Individual lives at home with her mom and sister and mom is her legal guardian of person only.  HPC transportation will be authorized.

Please contact Morgan Butler at RFP#562MB

Independent Employment Supports


Looking for a job coach who can assist a 20 year old non-ambulatory male with his community employment.  He will be working at Keim Lumber yard in Charm.  He will work on Mon. Wed. and Fri.  Individual will start position as soon as transportation is found.  Individual has some restroom needs.  He would need help in transferring to a toilet.

Please contact Julie DeChiara at RFP#561JD

HPC Services - IO Waiver


In search of a HPC provider who is interested in assisting a pleasant 20 year old non ambulatory male with ADL's, such as showering, dressing, restroom use, meal preparation,  Individual lives in Shreve.  Looking for someone who is able to provide services for him in his home EVERY OTHER WEEK, Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm.  (40 hours). It would be a plus if provider had access to a wheelchair van.  

Please contact Julie DeChiara at RFP#560JD

HPC Services - I/O Waiver


A 24-year-old female is seeking a provider to assist her at the family home 1-2x a month, preferably on Saturdays from 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm. She currently uses vocalizations and gestures and is making strides in using switches (lighted) that indicate yes or no.  She is visually impaired, so talking to her, letting her know you're with her, and acknowledging her is essential. You may need to get her attention first by saying her name and then talking with her calmly. She uses a wheelchair for long distances, during transportation, and at the day program. However, she can stand and ambulate with a walker and assistance or by handholding/physical assistance from another person.  Consistency is vital in her life. She thrives on routine and knowing what to expect. She enjoys watching musical shows and videos and playing with her interactive musical toys.

Please contact Kara Smith at for further information. RFP#559KS

Specialized Medical Equipment & Supplies (Adaptive Assistive Equipment) - IO Waiver


Searching for provider(s) interested in assessing the need for the following specialized medical equipment needed:

Individual is in need of an adapted adult car seat to meet his positioning support needs while traveling in a vehicle.  

Individual is dependent upon others for all of his mobility needs, including transfers and re-positioning.

Individual is experiencing a decline in muscle tone/strength overall, but especially upper body and requires additional supports for his health/safety needs.

***INDIVIDUAL HAS MEDICAID AND INSURANCE MUST BE CONSIDERED AS THE FIRST AND PRIMARY MANNER OF FUNDING COVERAGE. IF MEDICAID DENIES, A PRIOR AUTHORIZATION MUST BE SUBMITTED. DOCUMENTATION OF THIS IS REQUIRED. Individual also has an IO waiver for additional funding possibility for support needs. With receipt of required documentation that this has been submitted to insurance, IO waiver funding can be a last resort option.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please respond to the SSA indicated via email.

Please contact Debbie Dunlap at


Specialized Medical Equipment & Supplies (Adaptive Assistive Equipment) - I/O Waiver


Searching for provider(s) interested in assessing the need for the following specialized medical equipment needed:

Individual is in need of another specialized mattress/bed system to meet his needs.

Individual is dependent upon others for all of his mobility needs, including transfers and re-positioning.

Individual is medically fragile and skin integrity is sensitive making him prone to developing pressure sores at time.

Parent/guardian willing and wanting to consider some type of pressurized air mattress system if possible to help prevent this in the future. Mattress will need to be waterproof. Individual has very sensitive sensory needs and does not tolerate use of a separate waterproof protection pad/cover.

***INDIVIDUAL HAS MEDICAID AND INSURANCE MUST BE CONSIDERED AS THE FIRST AND PRIMARY MANNER OF FUNDING COVERAGE. IF MEDICAID DENIES, A PRIOR AUTHORIZATION MUST BE SUBMITTED. DOCUMENTATION OF THIS IS REQUIRED. Individual also has an IO waiver for additional funding possibility for support needs. With receipt of required documentation that this has been submitted to insurance, IO waiver funding can be a last resort option.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please respond to the SSA indicated via email.

Please contact Debbie Dunlap at RFP#557DD

Remote Supports/Assistive Technology - Self Waiver


Assistive Technology Consultation needed for 21 year old transitioning to adulthood from high school. Individual has a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and is interested in technology that would allow him to be more independent in a work setting and potentially his home environment. He will be working in a Vocational Habilitation setting to work on employment skills with the ultimate goal of community employment. He thrives on routine. He responds well to verbal instruction but often has to be shown how to complete tasks. He uses picture schedules and could benefit from a scheduling application. He struggles with reading, writing and verbal communication.

He is interested in having a job doing dishes or in a greenhouse taking care of plants. His family is also interested in learning about technology available that will allow him to live more independently at home. He currently requires someone to be home with him at all times and requires assistance with prompting for completing hygiene tasks, assistance with cooking and cleaning as well as taking mediations.

Please respond if you are interested in interviewing with this individual and his family please contact Melanie Kurtz at RFP#556MK

HPC Services


A 24-year-old young woman living in Doylestown with SELF waiver funding is in need of HPC/HPC-T services for companionship and activities in the community. To start, the family is looking for 16 hours/week with full availability on Fridays, but is very flexible on scheduling as many hours as possible. This individual has ADHD and mild developmental delays but is high-functioning, and her family would like her to have a reliable, energetic caregiver who can accompany her into the community for eating out, going to the movies, going shopping, and possibly for taking some type of art/dance classes. Time would also be spent at the family home, doing arts & crafts, playing games, etc. A secondary need in the future may be to encourage consistent personal hygiene and to assist with household tasks, but the family is focused right now on increasing her social activities and pursuing her interests with a consistent caregiver.

If you are interested in being reliable caregiver for this individual, please contact Corey Marmet at RFP#555CM