Our Vision
The Wayne County Board of Developmental Disabilities exists to serve Wayne County children and adults with Developmental Disabilities. This is accomplished by providing comprehensive programs in the areas of early childhood, pre-school, school age, adult services, service coordination, behavior support, residential services, family support, and transportation services. To fulfill this vision, it is necessary to employ a strong dedicated staff committed to recognizing the rights and embracing the responsibility for meeting the individual needs of each enrollee. It necessitates providing resources that enable employees to complete their tasks in the most efficient and effective manner possible. It requires a community that is supportive of the program including its policies, practices, staff, administration, and Board. Most importantly, it requires everyone to have a consistent desire to enable persons with Developmental Disabilities to be responsible, make informed choices, indicate their preferences and desires, and to work toward maximizing their independence through self determination.
With each of the ingredients listed above and using a comprehensive annual planning process, the Wayne County Board of Developmental Disabilities will move toward:
- Assisting individuals served with making responsible informed choices and maximizing independence through self-determination without sacrificing health and safety.
- Providing supervision that ensures the health and safety of the individual.
- Providing services and support through the Individual Family Support Plan, Individual Education Plan, and Individual Service Plan process that meets the needs of each individual served and results in the development of a Plan that addresses each aspect of the person’s life.
- Providing a safe and healthy environment.
- Providing quality assurance in the provision of services to children and adults with Developmental Disabilities.
- Demonstrating accountability through individual and program accomplishments and outcomes that address the preferences, choices, and needs of children and adults with Developmental Disabilities and their families.
- Working in partnership with educational systems, industries and companies, families, and community agencies to maximize services to children and adults with developmental disabilities in the most appropriate and least restrictive environment.
- Providing leadership, information, and services for all children and adults with developmental disabilities, their families, and the Wayne County community.
- Increasing awareness about the Bill of Rights for persons with developmental disabilities.
- Making residential housing a reality through careful team planning, implementation of the various Medicaid Waiver programs, acquisition of property, and program development that addresses the needs of the individual in the area of home and personal care and independent living.
- Providing safe and dependable transportation for enrollees using a well-trained and dependable staff.
- Providing a positive behavior support system that is directed at protecting the individual from harm and enhancing their quality of life.
- Providing families with services, supports, and information in order that they might live in a stable home, enjoy membership in a family, participate in the life of their community, and experience enduring relationships with family and friends.
- Embracing a zero reject policy by allowing all individuals who chose to receive services through the Wayne County Board of Developmental Disabilities the best in scope and quality of services.
- Providing an effective and efficient program by using the financial resources in a prudent manner.